Money Management and Financial Tools | Paybook Blog
automatizacion de finanzas personales

4 ways to improve your personal finances with automation

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For many, managing their personal finances is an annoying, and even unnecessary, task. There is something very unattractive about the idea of sitting down to study what you are spending your money and acknowledge everything you are not saving. But today there are a lot of online tools that can help you. Anyone can benefit…

transparencia financiera

Financial transparency and inclusion create stronger economies

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Inclusion and financial transparency are complementary concepts that go beyond the being credit worthy. One of the biggest obstacles to financial inclusion is the way in which people are evaluated to have access to credit. A strong economy needs more than technological innovation, capital investment and a solid monetary policy; it needs inclusion to boost…

4 productos de inversión

Personal Finance: Choose the best place for your savings

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Choosing investment projects for your personal finances is not a simple task, nor a decision that should be taken lightly. We want our savings to generate more returns, but we don’t want to completely lose the benefits of liquidity. Therefore, before deciding where to allocate your savings, consider the pros and cons of all the…

criptomonedas estables

Why stable coins are not the solution to cryptocurrency volatility

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Conventional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin are getting famous for many things, specially because of their unpredictable fluctuations which make them unreliable and risky. Stable cryptocurrencies, the latest trend in the crypto market, aim to solve these problems. Being backed by conventional financial units, they are attractive as value deposits and less prone to financial speculation.…

criptomonedas en las finanzas

Cryptocurrencies: 3 blockchain myths to leave behind

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Blockchain is much more than cryptocurrencies, it’s one of the upcoming technologies that are transforming industries and driving new business models. Blockchain transcends the financial industry, but to understand its potential we must first understand what blockchain is, and what it isn’t. Let’s start by leaving behind 3 myths about blockchain. Myth 1: Blockchain equals…

API para fintech

3 reasons to use SYNC in your FinTech operations

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SYNC is a financial API that Paybook has created to help FinTech developers connect with financial institutions quickly and easily. SYNC has the architectural style of a RESTful pattern and uses HTTP as base protocol. Almost all the responses that this financial API receives are encoded in JSON, which guarantees its simple interaction with most…

criptomonedas en las finanzas

SYNC: Meet the Financial API for FinTech Developers

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SYNC is the proposal that Paybook has for developers of Fintech or independent companies, to connect effectively with banking institutions without having to invest time and resources in development. SYNC is a REST API that transforms raw information from institutions such as s into a JSON format. SYNC is the best way to integrate software…

transparencia financiera

4 benefits of financial transparency for your company

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Sharing your company’s financial information is a decision that can’t be taken lightly. Corporate financial transparency can help you improve not only the relationship with your employees, but also to simplify decision-making processes, and to make your company more competitive. Learn about these 4 benefits that financial transparency can have in your company.   Make…

transparencia financiera

Personal Finance: find your financial independence

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In your personal finances, financial independence doesn’t necessary mean being wealthy. Being wealthy means having assets that generate a level of income that exceeds your standard of living. Financial independence means defining how much money is enough to maintain a particular lifestyle, having the right amount of money saved and investing it wisely.   What…

transparencia para tu osl

3 ways to improve your non-profit with Glass Social.

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Financial information is always relevant.For non-profit companies, financial transparency is not only a competitive advantage but a very important parameter that affects both, their public image and their capacity to get donations. Adopting financial transparency practices is very easy with Glass Social. Managing a non-profit organization within this platform will help not only to improve…